Sunday, 29 June 2014

Last In, Worst Dressed.

Aside from my obvious lack of organisational skills, I'm still struggling with another phenomenon that's been getting in the way of my blogging.  Finding something that I feel comfortable talking about is one thing, but finding it and writing about it before I see it written somewhere else is almost impossible.

Life occasionally throws me a set of circumstances that make me think "Hey! I should totally blog about that!".  And approximately 12 seconds later I'm clicking a link someone has shared on facebook to somebody else's blog post about that very issue.  On top of that, they're even more funny and eloquent than I could've hoped to be, and I find myself stifling laughs and mentally scoffing at their views, just out of spite for having been beaten to the punch.

It's not that I expect to write anything original, but I don't want to look like I've just copy/pasted other people's thoughts on whatever topic is making the rounds.  I see so many posts about parenting that it does my head in. I'm pretty sure there's a blog to match every style and tell you you're doing a great job, no matter how you do it.. what could I possibly add to that sea of conflicting opinions?

Some other topic maybe. What about that awesome recipe I always use? Already pinned. That funny little anecdote about that thing my toddler did? Some kid on youtube did it 2 years ago.

What's worse is when I feel there's been a mistake, and my version would've been better. I read instructions or recipes and think,
'You used tape? No, no, no.. you need glue!'
'2 teaspoons of sugar? Are you kidding? It should be tablespoons!!'

*Pulls hair out*

It feels a bit like at school when the teacher asks a question, and you know the answer, but they ask someone else first and you want to scream "No, pick ME!! I know the answer!!"

That never happened by the way, I always yelled out the answer because I was a big, fat know-it-all.  And that's precisely why this age of information is driving me nuts.  Everyone is a know-it-all and they're all yelling out the answers before me.

I'm never gonna be first in, best dressed. So, either I pack up and go home, or I settle for being last in, worst dressed.
*Looks at self in PJ's*
..Or maybe just last in and forget about getting dressed at all.